Thursday, August 13, 2009


All guarded, you want to reach out.
What you give is what you get, dear!
The milk of kindness flows
But not to those who put
their mouth in the sand.


It’s that time now
To take in its spirit
And its melody
And not fall asleep.
That’s not done.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Model - Kat Love
But this existence ceases not
To throw its wonders at us.
We are beholden to
its myriad
faces of Beauty.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I am tired of this existence
Wanting to get out
And then
to be free of all relief
out of reach.


Image F G Worton

To wake up each day is
to sift all of one’s self
In the light
Shone from the pure ones.
Verse by Aliashesh

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Image by Shevchenko
Verse by Aliashesh

Tried to jump in there
That was foolish.
Let me
unto it
Before it is late.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


When it ends, wait for it,
Come it will and end it will
To come again.
Soak in it,
let every pore
breathe again.